Soul Regression
Stacy is a certified soul regression therapist. She is honored to guide you through this experience to explore your soul self.
Past Life and Between Lives Soul Regression work is a powerful way to learn more about yourself and bring conscious awareness to the root cause(s) of your life’s challenges and receive healing energy toward resolving any blocks you may be experiencing.
In Soul Realignment sessions, Stacy gathers the information from your Akashic records to reveal your soul self to you, in Soul Regression sessions Stacy guides you into a trance state and assists you in gathering information yourself, giving you a DIRECT experience of your soul.

Past Life Soul Regression $314
In this 2 to 2.5 hour session Stacy will guide you into a past life that is directly connected to your present life where you can review and explore how this past experience is showing up in your present life. This is a powerful way to clear many of life's challenges and to learn much more about yourself.
Between Lives Soul Regression $444
In this 3 to 3.5 hour session Stacy will guide you first into a past life review and then into a deeper experience of your soul self where you will learn about who you are at soul level, meet with a spirit guide and then the benevolent Council of Elders who have accepted the responsibility to guide your soul's development and expansion. Within this experience you will also be given the opportunity to accept healing directly from these Beings of Light.
Ancestral Connections Soul Regression $350
Based on her own experience in Ancestral Healing work, Stacy has created a soul regression session specifically geared toward guiding you into an experience of your ancestral lineage to heal intergenerational harm and trauma, as well as to bring forward ancestral wisdom and strengths.
Temple of Healing Light Experience $111
In this 45 minute to 1 hour session, Stacy will guide you to the Temple of Healing Light where you can work on a stated healing intention with higher beings of light and love. This experience is also included in the recorded session work below but is not in itself a Regression - it is a powerful way to access higher states of consciousness and healing.
Don’t want to wait for a session time that fits your calendar?
On - Demand Recorded Sessions Now Available!
The Temple of Healing Light
Stacy has created a pathway to the answers you seek through the combination of Soul Regression Therapy and Energy Healing within the Temple of Healing Light experience. Please visit the sister site to view the information about this offering and to sign up.
The Temple of Healing Light
Unbelievable LOW price of $165 per session!
with Soul Regression and Reiki
Heal Your Ancestral Wounds Workshop
Join Stacy for this extended journey through your akashic records, and those of your ancestors, to heal and release the trauma that has been inflicted in this lifetime and past lifetimes for yourself, your family, your soul tribe, and the world.
This is a powerful way to gain consciousness around the karmic issues that are at play in your life and to clear the record for lasting healing and wholeness within you and within your family systems.
Workshop begins August 8th but you have until August 22nd to sign up and get started. The first community zoom will be September 5th.
$745 to receive access to all sessions and instructional zooms
The Temple Fire Talks

Tuesdays at Noon Pacific time
LIVE on Zoom (replays available)
Stacy will be sharing with attendees some wisdom and energetic transmissions to assist in preparing people for their soul regression experiences and to provide a community space for continued communications and integration.
To see the full list of discussion topics for this 7-session series please see the sister site to purchase access to all the sessions, or look in the store to purchase the sessions individually.
or purchase individually for $32
What is a "Soul Regression"?
Soul Regression is a therapeutic technique that has been developed over the past several decades by psychologists and clinical hypnotists like Dr. Michael Newton, Dr. Linda Backman, Dr. Brian Weiss, Robert Schwartz, and Andy Tomlinson, for the purpose of giving individuals the opportunity to explore their current life, their choices and challenges, and their true purpose through the lense of their immortal energetic soul.
This is accomplished by facilitators trained in techniques that encourage a deep state of relaxation known as the Theta State. This is a conscious state which allows the individual to access information and experiences via what is often called ‘non-ordinary reality’. A liminal state between fully awake and fully asleep in which an individual can maintain conscious understanding while their body and mind remains quite relaxed and focused on the inward experience.
Undertaking a soul regression is a powerful way to find the answers to the questions you have always had about your specific life through a direct experience of your own soul. All in a completely safe environment (in this case, your own home!) and without the need to use mind or mood altering substances to achieve.
Defining the language of experience
In the context of this therapeutic practice, the word “regression” simply signifies that the individual is accessing their own memories and experiences from an earlier time – whether that time is from this lifetime or a previous one will depend on the individual and the questions asked. In the same vain, the term “hypnosis” means assisting the individual to obtain a deeply relaxed state by speaking slowly and methodically. This deep state of relaxation is often referred to as being in a “trance state” – which is the liminal space between sleeping and waking. At no time does the individual “lose touch” with the world around them or their own physical body or surroundings. More so, at no time is the individual at risk of being unable to utilize their own free will and has the ability to “rouse” themself from their relaxed state at any point.
What happens during a Soul Regression session?
The Past Life Soul Regression process:
- First is the Relaxation process to assist your mind and body to access your own intuitive abilities
- Next you are guided through an experiential understanding of a past life that has a direct connection to your life today
- From there, you will be joined by your Higher Self or Spirit Guide to help you process the past life you just reviewed
The Between Lives Soul Regression process:
- Includes all the above AND
- your guide will escort you to a meeting with your Council of Elders – the group of wise and benevolent souls that have willingly and lovingly agreed to be active participants in your soul’s development
- In this meeting you will be given specific information about your soul and will be able to ask any questions you have about your current life and how your life planning before your incarnation plays into the experiences you have had and the challenges you have met
- You will be offered the opportunity to receive a deep healing and cleansing of your soul energy from the members of your Council and/or other Beings of Light
Immediately after each session:
- You will be returned to a normal waking state to process your experience with the facilitator
Stacy also offers Soul Realignment. Learn about the difference between these two modalities in this short video